Many businesses forget that product marketing doesn’t end when the product is sold and shipped. Once a customer receives your package, that is the first thing they see.
This is why you want your packaging and labeling to stand out. It is the client’s first impression.
Plus, you never know when your packaging will be featured on YouTube with an unboxing. People are watching, and your packaging and labeling should make your product stand out.
Customize Your Logo
Creating and utilizing a logo on your packaging does not have to cost an arm and a leg. In fact, you can use a custom logo stamp. What’s most important is consistency with your packaging.
You want your customers to know where the package is coming from. It can be a basic and boring package, or it can be customized and labeled with your logo. This not only helps with marketing, but it also helps with brand recognition.
Plus, your packages might not always get thrown away. Sometimes, they can be used for storage. So, whenever someone sees your box–they will also see your company logo.
Boxboard Packaging
One of the most popular forms of packaging is boxboard packaging. These can also be made out of recycled cardboard. Many people prefer boxes because they feel sturdy.
In addition, they are easier to label. And, they feel more secure. Boxboard packaging is inexpensive, environmentally-friendly and convenient. Sizes can also vary depending on the size of the product.
And, colors can vary based on your preferences. Boxboard packaging is a popular choice for many companies, especially companies that offer subscription boxes.
Static-Free Plastic Bags
This is one of the most inexpensive forms of packaging, but they’re hard to stand out. Sure, they don’t take as much room as boxboard packing, but they are not very green either. And, they feel flimsy.
It almost feels as if anyone can rip them apart–and, they probably could. On top of that, you’ll have to use smaller labeling.
Vacuum-Formed Plastic
If you sell your products at major retail stores, then you might have to follow their rules for packaging. One of the most popular forms of packaging in retail stores is vacuum-formed plastic packages with the tiny top handles.
It protects the products from being tampered with, and you can label the product by inserting a stiff piece of paper inside. This is the type of packaging that requires a knife or scissors to break open.
The only thing is people will usually tear and throw away the insert with your labeling. So, it makes it more difficult to stay in the minds of your consumers.
Final Thought
How well you label your product packaging depends on the type of packaging you use. Boxboard packaging is the most effective for getting bold labeling out while being environmentally-friendly and having other uses.
For example, customers may use the boxes for storage. Static-free packaging is the least expensive but is not environmentally friendly. Vacuum-formed packaging is popular in retail stores, but people will throw it away.
So, which type of packaging will you use?