Packaging Design: How It Should Be Done

This may sound repetitive: the most effective way to sell your product through packaging is to reflect your brand strategy through the latter.

Most often, designers focus on showcasing their skills and design capabilities on packages rather than crafting a design that works for the product. The packaging design should be the product’s selling point. Even innovations must complement the Company’s brand strategy, for the successful sale of the product.

For this, packaging experts often encourage the designer to view the product from the buyer’s standpoint.

And although this is obvious, not many brands apply this. As a proof of concept, how many products on a regular basis does a shopper ignore while walking down a shopping aisle in a retail store? The answer would be most of them, especially when you aren’t aware of many brands. This is because few of the products in the aisle could catch their attention.

Selling Points

Intelligible Design

  1. Even high-end fonts can turn off potential customers if it makes your brand name illegible or shrouds the identity of your product at the first sight.
  2. Using light-coloured graphic letters on a dark background or dark-colored lettering on light backgrounds does the trick. Drawing the busy shopper’s attention from another product to yours is the most important aspect of the packaging design.
  3. Some brands use all upper case while typing a product name, which is highly annoying, harsh on the eyes and unattractive, as per customer surveys. It is easier to read upper and lower case lettering together rather than all upper case, particularly with longer words.

Yes, you grab their attention with huge font sizes, but you end up giving them a hard time reading or recognizing what the product is.

  1. The general packaging and labeling rule – 5 and 5 – which states that the buyer will typically spend 5 seconds of their time at a distance of 5 feet from the shelf to determine whether your product will go into their cart. You need to ask yourself, “Can the consumer recognize my brand and what I am selling within bounds of the ‘5 and 5’ rule? The only way to know this is by trial-and-error. Go for it!

As a final note, display professionalism in your packaging designs. The more professional your design is, the more likely it will represent your product effectively and the more likely it is to get noticed.

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