Case Packer

3 Things You Should be Taking into Consideration when Buying a Case Packer

Buying a new case packer for the first time can be a challenge, especially with all the different options available on the market. The sheer number of machine types, all with their own different technologies, advantages, disadvantages, and costs, can be extremely confusing for a first-time buyer. However, when you know what you’re looking for, you can find a great packing solution in no time. Here are some of the things you should be looking for when buying a case packer.

Case Packer

Consider your Team’s Expertise

One of the first things you should consider when buying a new piece of equipment is the level of expertise of your team. The ideal would be to find a machine that uses pretty much the same type of technology as the last one you had. This will make the learning curve much less steep and will facilitate integration. If you had a horizontal load intermittent motion case packer before, for instance, then buying a bottom loader might not be the best idea. Or, if you decide to go for something that has servo technology, as another example, and none of your employees are familiar with it, then you may run into troubles along the way.

And it’s not only essential to pick a machine your staff understands when it comes to operating the machine, but when it comes to maintenance as well. So, make sure you make the right decision.

Assess what your Needs are

It’s essential that you know exactly what your needs are before you consider any piece of equipment. Are you looking to improve productivity? You should be also looking at things like the maximum and minimum package size you’re going to use, whether you need a machine that can run multiple types of packaging, and your speed requirements.

While this may seem like a no-brainer at first, you’d be surprised at how many people go wrong at that part. People often just simply don’t know what their business needs and will often decide to go for the fastest, most powerful machine they can find. But this could eventually result in overkill. Others go in the other direction and end up under buying and leaving with a machine that can’t meet their requirements.

Whatever you do, don’t go crazy with your packing estimates. Some people just let their ego inflate what they expect to be shipping out and end up buying a machine that will just be too powerful for what they actually need. There is no point in overspending if you can get away with something more modest that will meet your requirements, so try to be as realistic as possible in your estimates.


If you follow these few simple tips, you should be able to find a great packing solution for your business. Make sure that you do your homework and make sure that you know exactly what your needs are before you make any decision. 

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